“The Next Team Driver -4 ” APPLICATION Please fill out completely. It is OK if the application you turn is longer than 1 page. * Name : * Location : * Age : * Telephone number: * Comp results/Club leadership/Club affiliation : * Relationship to any current team drivers (Friend/relative/same club/etc): * Forums frequented (include screen names): * Locked Up RC product you like the best: CURRENT TRUCK SPECS (truck that will be your Locked Up RC truck) * Chassis : * Body : * Tires & Foams: * Wheels : * Dig Unit/Transfer case : * Winch : * Shocks : * Suspension Type : * Radio : * ESC : * Servo(s) : * Batteries : * Motor : * BEC : * Operating voltage : Links to 2 pictures you feel best represent a truck in a SCALE setting : ADDITIONAL INFO * Ability to Braze/weld or build with styrene : * Links to current build threads/product reviews (3 max) : * Other Interests : * Social Media Used: Email your completed application to lockeduprc@gmail.com